- Dask Tutorial [materials on github]
- Pandas Tutorial [materials on github]
- pyglmnet: A python package for elastic-net regularized generalized linear models [link]
- Learning Scikit-learn – an introduction to machine learning in python [materials on github]
- Autodocish: Automatedish Dataset Documentation [slides] [github project]
- Implemented distributed grid search for deep learning using Tensorflow, scikit-learn, and joblib [slides]
- FizzBuzz in TensorFlow [slides]
- Deconstructing Feather [slides]
- It’s not magic: explaining classification algorithms [slides]
- Intro to Julia [presentation on github]
- Mind the Gap! Bridging the pandas – scikit learn dtype divide [materials on github]
- Adding Image and Voice Intelligence to your Apps with Microsoft Cognitive services [links]
- pomegranate: fast and flexible probabilistic models in python [github project]
- What Data Analysts Wish Application Developers Knew [slides]
Lightening Talks
Manage your crap: a crappy talk on crap management
Published Notes
Yulan Lin [notes]
#PyDataChi16 – Slide Links