This blog entry originates from conversations that happened as part of #onthetable2016. Thank you to the women who shared their stories and the men who are allies who let me pose questions and “eavesdrop” on their answers. Disconnect #1: Github
17 Situations You’re Going to Have to Deal With If You Run a Women in Tech Meetup & How to Prepare
Warning: This post is a downer (AKA depressing). Intended Audience: Organizers of women in tech related Meetups. Also applicable to meetups or events of other under-represented groups. 17 Situations You’re Going To Face As a Women in Tech Meetup Organizer Situation #1: Man
Reflection on Women Techmakers 2016 Chicago event
Held at the Google Chicago office, the Women Techmakers 2016 event in Chicago on April 9, 2016 was incredible. Time: 10am-5:30pm Event hashtag: #WTM16 The awesome: Seeing old friends. Meeting new people. The speaker lineup. Not only were the people